Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Muffin Tin Toddler Meals

A picky toddler can be a frustrating experience! Especially since his/her tastes change on what seems to be a daily basis. I have a few 'fall-back' foods to serve to my son, Jude, when he is being picky, but these days even those are not working. I found this cute muffin tin meal/snack idea from muffin tin mom and decided to try it out.
I filled the cups with the most colorful foods I could find- green beans, bananas, red peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, olives, cheese, nitrate-free ham, blueberries, and avocado.
Jude was a bit unsure at first, but then he grabbed for some fruit (of course). He finished his blueberries and I had him try one bite from two of the other cups before I gave him more. It was a great opportunity to talk about what each food was called and to name the color of each one!
Jude really seemed to like the variety and small portions in his muffin cups. And because none of it ended up on the floor- it was a success in my book :)


  1. Ok, I think you just solved my dilemma of what to leave for my kids for dinner when I go out of town this weekend! I might get a bunch of their favorite finger foods, leave a list for the hubs, and leave him with the muffin tins! You're amazing Miss Branda!

  2. What a great idea. I also struggle with Sofia not eating enough veggies. Most of the time I resort to using smoothies which is not the ideal solution. I really want her to learn to enjoy each veggie on its own, not just blended into something. I am going to try this out. Let me know if you have more success with Jude!
