Saturday, March 31, 2012

(4/2) Sunday Fitness Challenge

Starting in April I want to post a challenge for you to complete every Sunday! Let's give lazy Sundays a make-over and get our butts moving! These challenges will be quick and well.... not exactly painless, but it will be over before you know it! If you are a mom, these challenges can be done while your kiddos are napping- NO EXCUSES!! Once you complete the challenge workout- leave a comment telling us that you are done (and how long it took you if it is a timed workout). Okay! Are you ready for your first challenge?? LET'S DO THIS!!

What you will need: a watch/stopwatch, and a sturdy chair

 The workout:
Do 2 ROUNDS of the following exercises- as fast as you can:
10 pushups
20 chair dips
30 sit-ups
40 mountain climbers
50 jacks

Have everything you need nearby and go from one exercise to the next doing it as fast as you can. Once you finish one round of all of the exercises listed- then do it again! (Go right into the next round for a total of two). Keep the timer running the entire time and try not to rest in between exercises/rounds. Once you are done, post your time in the comments section.

*Disclaimer: please consult your doctor prior to participating in any fitness routines.

My time: 5:10 (updated/completed on 4/1/12)


  1. 10 minutes and 50 seconds. I am tired sweaty and feel like jello lol but it was so worth it

  2. 7:47.6 I might've not kept form always and even with a soup can for push ups didn't get as low as I should, but I almost killed myself and I can't believe I sweat this much... Danny's response to my workout: "You want stonger forearms, go spray the yard with round off"
