
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Advice for New Moms & MY Transformation

Hi everyone!
Let me just start by saying that I am not a big fan of posting pictures of my body all around the internet, but I do think it is important for everyone (especially all the women/moms I currently train) to understand that I did not always look like I do now. And yes, I have always worked out and stayed in what I thought to be "pretty good shape", but it certainly doesn't "come natural" for me. I am here to tell you that it has been a long journey of serious hard work for me!
 As most people know, I am a mom- so I know all about the CRAZY body changes us women experience when pregnant and the roller coaster of emotions that go along with it. And just because that baby pops out does not mean it is all magically over with. The aftermath of pregnancy is well... pretty ugly! Yes there are some ladies that are freaks of nature & pop a baby out and then magically return to their size, but this is not how it happens for most of us. Most new moms have to figure out a way to balance eating healthy, exercising and taking care of a new baby- all on ZERO SLEEP. This is the shit no one tells you when you are pregnant and I really wish someone had told me because it was hard as hell to adjust!!!! Plus let's face it, leaving your newborn baby to go get your sweat on is the farthest thing from your mind (especially when you are a sleep walking zombie).
Okay so here's my advice for the new moms itching to workout: I know you are scared as hell that your body will never be the same and you think each day you spend just sitting on the couch nursing that newborn will make it even harder to even return to your pre-pregnancy jeans, but just try to relax! Okay, first take a deep breath and don't put so much pressure on yourself! These first three months of baby's life are all about low-impact exercise and survival. If you are motivated enough, you WILL get your body back!! So try to relax & enjoy your new baby and avoid rushing into any high intensity exercise for goodness sake! Start with some daily walks and then really basic moves as you gain your strength back. Also, stay away from the beach where you will want to kill all the skinny bitches in their bikinis (those bitches don't have kids anyway).

Okay now on to my transformation pics............

So now I really wish I would have done a 'shirt off' pic for that first month, but at the time I was not loving my picture being taken period & I am very surprised I even found this one! I would also like to note that I am too skinny in the '18mo after baby' pic. I had muscles do doubt, but I was doing some experimenting with my diet and exercise at that time and accidentally lost too much body fat. I have since gained nearly 15lbs of muscle and currently have what I feel to be a "thicker" body. This has been a difficult transition for me to make. Not only because I had to purchase all new clothes in my new size, but also because I am trying not to get hung up on what society thinks "fit" looks like. I have more of an athlete's body now and honestly my legs are the biggest they have ever been, but I am also THE VERY STRONGEST I have ever been in my life. And lets just say the current me could kick the shit out of pre-pregnancy me and skinny me for sure!!!

ANYWAY, I hope someone out there in the world got something out of my little rant here :) My journey is not over so I will be sure to keep you posted.  If you are currently taking my classes, I encourage you to discuss ANYTHING with me (your fitness goals, your struggles, food questions, etc). I'm an open book & would love to help you in any way that I can!!!

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